CAS Goals


Writing and editing has always been one of my hobbies so joining ‘The Advocate’, a lesser known magazine at OSC just felt right. While the content I used to edit and put together was different to what I’ll be editing now as a school magazine, I hope some of those skills may transfer to it somehow. My creativity goal for this year is to help out in the editing process of ‘The Advocate’ magazine and also to write my own article in it.


Being physically active has fallen lower and lower on my list of priorities as I’ve gotten busier so this year I’m going to make it my goal to run on the human version of a hamster wheel, a treadmill for at least 10 minutes a day.


For my first year in the DP and also at OSC, I’ve joined Eco-Schools. My goal for this year is to help decrease the school’s environmentaL impact through education, awareness and action.


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