I do not have a good track record with activity. Creativity, pretty good! Service, meh. Activity? Uhhh. In my defense, I have the muscle mass of a sea sponge and I get out of breath walking to my locker.
But this semester for activity, I decided to start with something simple and manageable: going on weekly walks. Nothing too strenuous, nothing too adventurous, just a nice stroll to get some fresh air and maybe see some interesting stuffs. I figured it would be good for my physical and mental health, and maybe even help me socialize a bit with other people or animals.
But as soon as I decided to start walking, the weather turned rainy. It’s like the universe was testing me or something. Like it was saying, “Oh, you want to walk and finally do activity for CAS so that you don’t fail CAS and lose your diploma? How about rain, the one thing that never fails to make your mood worse?” Thanks, universe.
But you know what? I didn’t let the rain stop me. Except on like 4/6 occasions. But on those two occasions, I showed commitment and perseverance!
So far, I’ve done two walks and they were… okay. Not great, not terrible, just okay. The first one was on a sunny day, which was nice, but also made me squint a lot and feel hot. .
The second one was on a rainy day, which was not so nice, but also made me feel refreshed and calm. I saw some birds, some dogs and some people. Nothing too exciting, but also not too boring, I suppose.
I guess what I’m trying to say is that walking is not as bad as I thought it would be. It’s not my favorite thing to do, but it’s also not my least favorite thing to do. It’s somewhere in the middle, like most things in life. And that’s okay. I can live with that.
(I did take photos and I will be uploading them in the very near future. I just need my phone to charge before I do it)