Having to make my own bed over the past week has been quite a humbling experience. Having always lived with a cleaner, I’ve never had to make my own bed aside from some Sunday afternoons and the bizarre symbolism of making ones own bed is starting to dawn on me. I watched this speech [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sK3wJAxGfs] by a U.S Navy SEAL a few months ago and found his thoughts on the matter quite interesting. He mentions how making your bed in the morning is a good start to the day as it is a small task completed and that “If you cant do the small things, you’ll never be able to do the big things”. I find this quite true, making my bed each morning has gotten me into the routine of being productive from the moment that I wake up and has helped me in being in a good state of mind to complete my school work later on in the day.