For my CAS Project, Emily and I recorded a podcast. We did this for several reasons, firstly, we often find our topics of conversation so interesting and random that we discussed starting a podcast to record our ramblings anyway, and CAS presented the perfect excuse to do so. Secondly, it offered us the opportunity to test out what recording a podcast would feel like and be able to record our thoughts on the pandemic whilst we are still somewhat in it.
We chose to target strands by discussing the pandemic, its global implications, how it forced us to change and accommodate differences in our respective environments. Whilst our topic of conversation zig-zagged, it rarely strayed to anything irrelevant of the pandemic, and was actually quite a positive as we didn’t tend to discuss topics that anyone listening would likely already be aware of.
As we mentioned early on in the Podcast, this was our second attempt at recording, as our previous one was somewhat profanity laden and proved more difficult to edit into a child friendly version than believed at the time of recording. However, recording twice did prove useful as we became more comfortable with the format and more aware of how to naturally shape a conversation without artificially changing the subject or having unnatural pauses during it.
Overall it was an interesting experience that showcased our excellent conversational skills and the relevance of the pandemic.
The Podcast can be found at