Un Day is a day that is held every year at our school. It helps unite the different ethnicities and culture that attend our school. We dress up in our Countries national attire and parade around school. We then normally go into classes in which we focus on a specific SDG for that UN day. The SDG’s are sustainable development goals set by the UN to be accomplished by the year 2030.This year UN day was a bit different for me as we had to do the classroom sessions after the parade. We got activities and a presentation to do with our groups and had to go over the activities and present the presentation on gender equality. We made the student do activities about different pro and cons of the solutions we discussed. We then got the experience of trying out different foods from different countries after. The leading of the classroom sessions was a good new experience as it helped us develop skills like time management and organization, when it came to preparing for Un Day. It also helped us exercise our leadership and teamwork skills when leading the event as we had to make sure the event happened successfully. Overall I think that UN day was a fun and successful day as everything went to plan and we got to indulge in other countries delicacies.