Due to School closing my original plans for playing basketball have changed. While I was planning to play basketball at school I can not as we are not allowed into school premises. While this is a problem I am quite lucky as I have a basketball hoop in the tennis court of the housing complex that I live in. I plan to play at least every other day so I don’t lose touch.
Due to school being online, it is important than ever before to be active as we spend most of our time sitting by our laptops. I chose to start playing basketball more regularly with some friends that I have in my complex. This helps me spend the time off my computer and doing something I love. We normally play games to 21 splittings into teams of 2 and switching around teams. While this is fun and is fun, it does get boring playing with the same people all the time. We also try to spice up our games by adding forfeits for the losing teams to do. This helps make our games more competitive and fun for everyone as things started getting a bit repetitive.
When my friends are not available to play, I try to do drills by the court or outside the house that can help me when playing basketball. For example, I would go down to the hoop and practice shot or dribble combos I could do when playing. This helps when it comes to games as I then can try and execute the practiced moves when playing with my friends. When I don’t have time to walk down to the court, I try to do some drills that can help me improve. I normally do dribbling drills and skipping and footwork drills when I’m outside my house instead of the hoop
Overall, I think that I have adapted to not being able to play basketball at school really well, as I found an alternate outcome that is just as effective as playing basketball at school would be. the only worry is that basketball at school has more people and a variation of teams making it fun for a longer period of time. The games played in my housing complex can get a bit boring after some time because of the repetitiveness, but I need to try to find some other solutions like forfeits that will spice up playing the game.