Feature image: Photography from Highlands WWW trip, taken by me

Looking back on my DP1 and DP2 experiences with CAS, i’m very happy with all I have learned and accomplished. I set reasonable goals for myself and I demonstrated the planning/steps it took to accomplish them. This post will show specific examples of how I met/achieved many areas of learning, reflecting on each of the 7 IB outcomes over the two year course, also relating to my goals.

1. Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.
I displayed self awareness in identifying my own strengths and areas for growth especially when participating in the secondary school production. I was able to take feedback from a director as well as my collaborators, watching myself back to see how I could improve my performance. I identified my own strengths by standing up to the challenge of designing the poster and ticket art for the same production, as a higher level art student that specialises in ink and water colour.

2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

I demonstrated this IB learner profile by undertaking a fresh task of engaging with primary school students by helping to set up a reading buddy system, where secondary students read books to young students. By doing so, I definitely improved my skills in communication and collaboration.

3. Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.

I showed how I personally initiated and planed my own experiences by organising my own workout sessions. Planing the activities and exercises I would do beforehand on my own accord, for my own benefit.

4. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.

I showed commitment and perseverance to a CAS experience when signing myself up for SAISA Badminton. Although I was not able to travel with the team due to exams, I dedicated my time to training three times a week and on Saturdays over the course of two months. This was also a good source to incorporate physical activity into my daily routine

5. Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively.

I achieved this outcome when engaging in class trips such as Week Without Walls (on my hiking trip in the highlands) and in DP1 when going to Boarderlands. These trips let me work collaboratively with my peers. Wether it was helping each other down steep slopes, keeping each other safe, setting up campsites or cooking, we all had each others backs, benefiting from each other and fulfilling our own individual roles to function as a group, as a whole.

6. Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.

“Thinking global, but acting local.” An example of how I met this learning outcome can be seen when helping the Thalangama Local school by renovating and cleaning their classrooms and gardens after lockdown. Due to quarantine the campus was severely run down and had sadly gone bankrupt leaving many primary students unable to enrol back into the school because of the state it was in. Education is a necessity for every child, so with the help of others in my community we helped engage with a significant issue by lending a helping hand, rebuilding the school.

7. Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

Across the CAS experience I have mainly been part of two service groups (Care for Paws and Housing for Habitat). When working in both groups the implications to our actions, big or small are always topic of conversation. Consistently asking and keeping in mind; Which groups are we helping and how, what is our budget, how can we do this in a way thats environmentally conscious? This shows how we achieve this learning outcome, constantly recognizing and considering the ethics of decisions and actions, no matter the scale.

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