CAS is an essential component of the DP program, and, in my eyes, heightens our knowledge on topics other than academic-based ones. However, CAS is definitely going to look different this year, due to the ongoing pandemic. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t things we can do with regards to creativity, activity, and service, it just means we have to think outside the box and think of ideas that help us stay active, creative and make sure we’re giving back to our community whilst also remaining safe.
CREATIVITY: As for creativity, one of my goals this school year is to continue exploring different forms of art. Since I did mandalas and meditative coloring last year, I want to play around with mixed media, acrylics, and clay this year. I feel as though expressing myself through art is not only entertaining but moreso healthy and vital after long school days and late nights studying. I personally felt as though art helped me through a lot last year, and, especially this year, it could be extremely beneficial. Since it might not be possible to go to physical art classes this year, I have a lot fo online resources, such as Masterclass, in which there are multiple tutorials on different techniques, which could be seen as a ‘guide’ to creating more sophisticated art.
ACTIVITY: Last year I relied on SAISA sports, such as Volleyball and Soccer, to fulfill my activity requirements. However, this year that’s clearly not a possibility, and it forces all of us to find new ways to remain active. My goal for this year is to continue going to the gym on a weekly basis (3-4 times a week) and walk my dog outside every week. I feel as though doing this will help me remain active while also social distancing. It’s extremely important to do some form of exercise every day, especially during these times, as not only is it good for our physical health but also our mental health. Running is, personally, my favorite form of exercise, as I utilize it as a time to sweat off any stress, worries, and school-related thoughts and just be. Hence why this year I hope to stick to this routine, at least until team sports are back on.
SERVICE: Service is a harder aspect of CAS to fulfill, seen as we can’t necessarily physically connect with our surroundings, other schools, and people in need. However, that doesn’t mean that we can’t help out, there are still many ways, whether virtually or not, in which we can help give back to our community and put in our grain of sand. My goal for this school year with regards to Service is to reunite with my previous service group, Gecko Inc., and figure out ways in which we can be active members of our community, give back to those in need, and remain healthy at the same time.