Darya's CAS Journey

My extra-curricular activities at OSC




I joined girls football last season (2022-2023) although when I first started I had a very bad shot, and was not confident with myself😐. Over the summer before the 2023-2024 football season I would do at home drills, and practice with my cousin to help improve myself💪. At the first few trainings I had more confidence in myself as I could definitely tell a difference in my shot accuracy and power. After the first game I found out I had torn my quadricep, which put me out of training for 3 weeks. I watched nearly every practice and game  and when the 3 weeks were finally up I joined back with the team playing. My second game back my cleat spike got stuck on my shoelace and I fell, I continued playing for 20 minutes after while my wrist was throbbing and I was in so much pain. When I finally came off the pitch and went the the hospital I found out that I had broken my wrist and I couldn’t play sports for 4 weeks. I was devastated, as saisa was the next week and I wouldn’t be allowed to play.😪😭

During SAISA I was still hanging out with the diffrent teams and being included in the non-sports activities. During the games I assisted on helping with team morale, being the physio therapist, and brining snacks/water to the team. Even though I was sad about not playing I still was able to have fun and enjoy myself along with my peers. We faced some very tough competition in the games, but overall I am very proud of my team and I know they can do even better next year🥳.


SAISA Art 2024🇧🇩🎨


This season Art SAISA was in Dhaka Bangladesh, We had an all girls OSC group, and out of all of the schools only one boy came. In total 4 schools went and even though it was small I had a lot of fun.😝.  We left on March 20th at 6 am, and got back March 24 4 pm. Since we got to the school a day early we had the opportunity to go to AISD’s “open mic night” where students could sing and perform to the audience.

The first day of art SAISA we went to AISD and started working in our workshops, mine was water color. The instructor took my group around the school to take pictures of things we wanted to paint, I chose a water fountain in the schools courtyard. We then painted the rest of the day while getting to know our peers.

On the second day we got to experience Dhaka. The SAISA art group split into 5 teams and we went all around old Dhaka. We went to a mosque, a catholic church, a rickshaw painter, and an art gallery. My favorite part was the rickshaw painter because of how pretty the diffrent paints were and being able to see the painting in progress was very interesting. When we got lunch at the art gallery they gave us raw chicken, which ended up with me being hungry the rest of the day. During our time in Dhaka AISD was hosting a boys football and girls basketball tournament, so it was super cool being able to watch them play.

On the last day we went to the school and finished up our workshops, the school offered a pani puri man which was so freaking good I had like 3 plates.😝😬. After I finished my 4 paintings my friends and I hung around the cafe eating bagels, brownies, and date balls. (more like I was eating the date balls, nobody else liked them). We played a bit of basketball as we waited for the exhibition to start and then after the exhibition finished we had a farewell dinner and handed out S-pins.

Overall I really liked this trip, the weather was cold, there was an import store next to the hotel, the cafe was super nice, and the overall experience of being in dhaka was very educational, I would definitely do It again.😁

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