Darya's CAS Journey

My extra-curricular activities at OSC


Unity and Diversity Day

author and friends

For Unity and Diversity Day 2023 I was teaching 2nd grade about SDG16 “Peace Justice & Equality”. My peers and I created coloring pages, and creative activities for the kids. We talked about the 2nd graders “ideas of peace” and then asked the kids to draw an image that reminds them of peace. After The drawings were complete we split the class in two and Ansel, Tiara, and I walked around the classroom as the kids talked about what they drew, and why they drew them.


Gecko Gear Service

I am in the “Gecko Gear” service, and our goal is to create merchandise for the communities on campus, but then to donate all proceeds to the service groups. The first few meetings have been very productive as we were starting and finishing up the products for Season 1 SAISA sports. We all work together to create unique designs for each piece of clothing, then asking the athletes themselves their opinions on the creations. I contributed on making 4 diffrent hoodie designs, 2 for the volleyball teams, and 2 for swimming. Then as a team we made the logo for our service.


Art Club (props making)

During art club I put together a small group of people to help towards building the props for the school production. Our first goal is to create the puppets since that will take the longest, and next time I will assign roles so we can start the making of the diffrent props. My aim is to get all of the necessary things done by season 2 SAISA. Since I will be participating in girls football, and wont have time to come in and work. I plan on taking materials home with me once we get closer to the production date so I can continue working on the musical. So before that happens the more important items need to be made since I cant take really big & fragile props home with me.

Goals- Have the main necessary props done by november 12th, improve my skills in building detailed objects, work collaboratively with my peers.

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