August 28th at 6:30 am, my classmates and I depart for an adventure of a life time. The days leading up to the trip were stressful and we long awaited our adventure. Most of us were going on our second trip to borderlands, and were comforted by the experiences of ninth grade. Little did we know that this time would be vastly different, both mentally and physically. The three day trip, shaped us into a closely knit family, filled with unforgettable memories.
We were constantly partaking in challenging activities, that required support from each other. The hardest part of the whole trip, would have to be the initial rafting exercises we did for getting into sync. It was important that we all communicated clearly and worked as TEAM. For the first time this entire school year we trusted each others collaboration for success of the process. One wrong paddle or miscommunication could have led to the raft flipping. Team Rambo (Aidan, Mr. Lockwood, Arnav, Savi and I), succeeded in all these aspects. An hour and half of jokes, laughs, fears and excitement, as we paddled down the river and over rapids. Our minds were cleared of all the stresses back at home, rather intricately focused on every passing second. Everything was all so surreal, the environment, the people, and the experiences.
Being in this natural environment, only disrupted our normal routines. Everyone was soaked in water and moist by the humidity. We all sat on the considerably large and warm rock whilst enjoying the spicy rice and curry. It had been a while since we all had a conversation which deviated from the thoughts of school. It felt like we were living and instead of worrying. The joy that our lunch time conversations brought me, still make me chuckle. Everything was so simple and innocent, making the experience nothing but raw.
Even as the water harshly cascaded over us, we managed to make the best of it. We shivered and chattered, as we remained hopelessly under the overpowering waterfall, while we were canyoning. Leave it up to milo to make everyone laugh the pains away. One prominent moment from the enitre trip, was the couple moments we all spent in the canyon. It was five kids and no teachers, we relied on each other for any aid required. The current of the mini waterfall ahead of us, only pulled us closer to the edge. We all held on to each other and constantly feared someone floating too far down. In those couple minutes, we realized the importance of not just a team but of each other. My mind was at ease, knowing that my friends would be there for me.
Each of us had to support one and other. It was the key for any sort of success during this trip. Like in trust sitting activity, we had to not only literally uphold eacheachotherother with our knees but also move in coordination. One wrong step and everyone would break off. With each day, our bond as a group only grew stronger and closer. We had similar experiences to share and even our own personal developments. Each of us grew individually in various aspects, by either facing a fear or doing something new. For me the one peculiar activity was the abseiling. We had to lower ourselves using the life supporting harnesses, down an eighty foot water fall. The initial view was horrifying, seemed like thousands of feet too close to my death. However, my teachers and classmates supported me, which aided me immensely mentally. After the tightly gripped and cautious walk down the water fall, I was flooded with emotions. This activity taught me, the importance of facing your fears and overcoming any challenges in life. It is possible.
We also all broadened our perspective during the trip, by looking into the effects of the dam. I gained further insight into the issue and learned that its development isn’t all negative. It was actually improving the livelihood of the ferry driver and those of the community. I was exposed to this global issue and was able to comprehend with its effects on the environment around. I was able to step outside of the classroom and first handedly get involved by educating myself on this issue. It was a completely different experience visiting the dam sight, to just hearing about it. The industrialization of the environment was happening as we rafted down the river. It was a new and intriguing experience. I was moved by the sights of the large cement pillars that once was the habitat to many. The effects of globalization, were right be forth my eyes.
Each and very minute of the trip was enjoyed. The night we returned home, nothing but sorrow overtook my mind. The quietness of my room, caused me to ponder deep into thought – the exhilarating and unforgettable amusements were reminiscences. My eyes were slowly shutting, as they carried the weight of trip. The chapter closed and a new journey began; DP.