Doga's CAS Journey

My extra-curricular activities at OSC

Girls for Girls Video Promotion

As a service group “Girls for girls” we have decided to promote our goal and ask for the OSC communities to help us achieve this goal. Within our video, each member choose one word that describes our service and how they think we achieve this goal. With words like help, love, protection, gender equality, caring, etc. we aimed to not only describe our service but also promote these themes regarding women empowerment within our school community.

Link to our video:

Learning outcomes:

Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process:

Recording the individual videos one by one was very time-consuming and challenging as we have no access to professional video equipment it was difficult to get videos with no background noise or with good lighting. However once we got all the clips we researched how to edit these videos together in our best ability, in the process of making this video we learned new video editing skills such as how to cancel background noise in a clip, how to edit certain compartments of the video to make the lighting the same for the whole of the clip. As well as expanding our already existing knowledge of text and music editing on our video.

Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience:

The video was made as the first step in our journey to start a fundraising project, as we plan on first promoting and seeking the help of our whole community we will begin creating activities, bake sales, and increasing our social media presence to help sexual assault victims foundation in Sri-lanka. In the process of making the video, as a service group, we brainstormed many ideas that can follow up with the video that will capture both primary and secondary students’ attention helping us raise the maximum amount of money from this funding project.

Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively:

With regards to the video, the collaboration of the whole service really helped us in speeding up the process of creating a video. As every member came up with their own words and banners, then got together to film the video clips at once. We helped each other record our videos and gave suggestions on how to make our script better. This sped up the video-making process and also ensured we had the best quality of work we can achieve as a service group.

Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance:

The goal of our whole fundraiser is to promote women’s empowerment within our school community and teach students about the issue of sexual assault and how to prevent or seek help. We believe as a service raising awareness and teaching young women about combatting sexual assault and empowering each other starts within family and school. Gender inequality, victim-blaming, sexual assault in adolescence are all grand issues society faces all around the globe, therefore we try to make a small change by trying to teach both girls and boys the consequences of sexual assault and how to achieve gender equality within our school.

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