2 years and roughly 30 posts later, the day when I post my final CAS reflection has dawned at last. As my time at OSC draws to a close, it’s essential to reflect on how CAS has shaped me into the person that I am today. From DP1 to DP2, each CAS experience I had contributed to my personal growth and development. As I prepare to take the next steps in my journey, it’s important to take stock of everything that I have learned and achieved as a part of the CAS program. In this final blog post, I’ll look back on the extremely fun creativity, activity and service experiences that I had and reflect on how they personally benefited me.
Learning Outcome 1: Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth
In the last two years, I conducted many CAS activities where this learning outcome was applicable, however, I believe that LO1 is most relevant to my piano playing. As a DP music student, playing piano has become an integral part of my school-life and with Mr. Kim starting to demand more from me in my final year, I have grown a lot as a musician. By being placed in unfamiliar situations such as performances only 2 or 3 weeks after being introduced to the piece, I was able to develop areas where I was previously weak such as my sight-reading skills. While challenging, I learnt how to accentuate my strengths and work on my flaws to play at my best.
Learning Outcome 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences
I believe that this learning outcome is most relevant to the Senior Production of “Antigone Now!” which I acted in as a part of the chorus a few months ago. Semester 1 of DP2 is often referred to as “hell semester” by many IB students and it certainly was tough for myself during this time period. Not only did I have to work on my extended essay and countless university applications and internal assessments but I also had to commit to regularly attending practices for the production (while also training for SAISA season 2!). By essentially sacrificing my sleep and social life, I was able to show perseverance to the production and enjoy acting, a passion that I have not been able to pursue for a long time.
Learning Outcome 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process
Having always been someone who enjoyed the “field” aspect in Track & Field, I was thrust into the deep end when I was selected as one of the main distance runners to compete for the U20 boys at SAISA 2023. Training in the months leading up to the competition was beyond challenging and could only be described as a modern form of torture, however, due to these intense sessions I was able to develop many new skills such as controlling breathing and pacing during long distance races.
Learning Outcome 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
This learning outcome was most visibly demonstrated in my CAS project. Serving as an assistant coach for the cricket ASA, I was tasked with coherently organizing the session plan for each week and had to plan for many different outcomes preparing for player absences and the weather factor. Despite these struggles, I was able to successfully initiate the various activities that I had planned for the ASA and I enjoyed passing on my experience to younger players.
Learning Outcome 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
Participating in Track & Field this year allowed me to be a part of the U20 boys relay teams for both SAISA and ISAC. We managed to do well as a team winning both the 4*100m relay and the 4*400m relay at SAISA and coming 6th and 2nd in the 4*100m and 4*400m relays at ISAC. We were only able to do so well because of the countless hours of training that we put in as a team. During these relay dedicated sessions, we were able to form tight bonds and we definitely would not have been able to be so successful had we not worked collaboratively.
Learning Outcome 6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance
As one of the senior members of Housing & Habitat, I had to assume much more responsibility and be more vocal within the service than I had in previous years. This year we joined the Eco-Schools committee and were tasked with creating the school’s first ever set of eco-friendly garden beds. By participating in this project, I was able to demonstrate engagement with the global issue of sustainability and learn more about realistic measures that could be taken to contribute to eco-sustainability.
Learning Outcome 7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions
This learning outcome was most prevalent when Housing & Habitat organized Home Run 2023. This year I was tasked with creating the route as well as sorting out the logistical side of the event, meaning that I was responsible for deciding where the stops were, how many water bottles were required, how many chairs and tables were required etc. As a result, I was forced to make many choices and each time I had to ensure that I recognized the potential ethical consequences; would it be too tiring for the runners, was the safety of the volunteers potentially harmed at this stop, how much water would be required to ensure there are no medical concerns, and many other decisions. While the event went extremely smoothly and many claimed this years route was better than last time, the immaculate planning that went into it allowed me to understand the potential repercussions that my actions could have.
Overall, I believe that my CAS experiences over the past 2 years have been extremely fulfilling. Not only was I able to achieve all of the learning outcomes over various creativity, activity and service exercises, but I was also able to improve my reflectionary writing as well as learn many life applicable skills. While I may not miss regularly updating my blog, I will definitely miss the activities that I was apart of due to the CAS program. As my school journey draws closer and closer to its end, it’s essential not to forget the lessons we’ve learned and the values we’ve gained. Though I may be leaving OSC behind, the memories and experiences I’ve gained will stay with me forever. Here’s to the end of one journey and the beginning of another.
Dear Diyath,
Congratulations on completing and writing this final reflection and fulfilling the requirements of the CAS program. I appreciate the wide variety and depth of experiences that you have been involved in at OSC during the last 18 months. All the best and keep up the engagement in your next stage of life.
Mr. Lockwood
OSC DP CAS Coordinator