- training sessions: Tuesdays and Fridays afterschool (games) , Monday and wednesday mornings, saturday training. They were exhausting but well worth it.
- Game situations–against another team. stress. ups and downs. perseverance.
- Team & skills
- travelling together
- new country
- tiring
- apples with the perfect texture for in between games
- different environment to ISTA which I’d gone on a week earlier: collaborative vs competitive
- Despite the practices, we weren’t quite prepared for the environment we’d find ourselves in.
- The stress and learning how to navigate games/sets was a learning curve.
- Reacting to challenges as they come and rolling with the punches–whether that be sunlight streaming directly into your eyes, effectively blinding you, a teammate, a wrong call from the ref-s, a personal mistake, injuries, having to change uniforms in seconds, and etc.
- The outcome could’ve gone many ways else, and accepting that it didn’t. We brought each team except one to a third set, and that’s impressive on it’s own.
- “With a point differential that could’ve …”
The official website is linked below for more information about the daily events
Website: https://sites.google.com/aisdhaka.org/saisa/home
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