As part of the RCCI service group this year, we have made considerable progress when taking into account the difficulties everyone including us has faced due to COVID (this relates to LO4). We continued to plan lessons for when we would eventually go back to school, and even then we organized an event to be held online. This is significant as it is already hard to communicate with them in person, through zoom it only gets harder, however we worked hard and managed to complete the art exhibition event. We have been thinking of working on a special room with a main purpose of the students to let off stress and learn properly. Finally, we even raised awareness for Udith, a child who is need of the RCCI education (this relates to LO3 and LO7). We plan on sending emails soon to multiple teachers and parents in order to help raise money for Udith.
I will be leaving OSC this year, however working at RCCI this year, especially as service leader in the majority of semester 2, was a great experience for me. I learned what it’s like to hold the responsibility of being a leader and working with the workload that comes with it (this relates to LO2). I can no longer hope for someone else to do the work, and need to complete it myself. I learned this and how to collaborate with others in a proper manner in order plan and execute ideas properly (This relates to LO5)