Biking With Friends Around Colombo

Short Biking Video

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, my friends and I have been biking around Colombo and following the COVID prevention protocols as well. We bike around twice a week and try to explore new parts of Colombo often in order to give us a better sense of the city that we live in. This has enabled us to destress, socialize and also stay in shape during these hard times and has become an activity that helps us from becoming bored at home when we are not engaged in online learning. Additionally, because my friends Santi and Kaalep live really close to me, biking to their house then biking up north another 20 minutes then coming back gives me a substantial workout as I bike for around 50 minutes to an hour each time.

LO7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

This was a difficult decision to make, especially during the pandemic. We realized that if we weren’t completely safe, we could possibly suffer from the repercussions of COVID-19. We also understood that without physical exercise, we would go crazy and because we are all athletes, we need a way to keep our body in shape as none of us home gyms or are motivated enough to swim laps in our pools. We recognized and considered the ethics of our choices and actions as we made sure that we did not come in contact with anybody else in case we may have the virus and we did not want to put anybody else at risk. This not only taught us discipline as we were quite reluctant to follow the COVID regulations at first due to lack of knowledge on the virus, but it also helped us to mature and show more empathy towards others in troubling times.

Supervisors: Andrew Hurd & Robert Juhkam

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