Vidyaloka’s Got Talent – OSC & Room to Read’s Joint Concert
Room to Read was looking for a creative way to raise money. Inspired by previous events such as literature festivals and karaoke evenings, we chose to collaborate with Vidyaloka on a performance. We often showed our skills in a number of ways at OSC, but we soon discovered that not all schools had the same chances. We, therefore, thought it would be great to welcome the Vidyaloka children to join our OSC students, teachers, and even some parents in dancing or singing.
Our adviser, Ms. Lockwood, was really helpful in organizing this event because she was the one who came up with the original concept of holding a concert. Rather than selling tickets, we opted to sell snacks and set up a donation box at the door in order to raise money effectively. Throughout the concert, each member of the service had specific responsibilities. Along with two other service leaders, I would oversee the stage and make announcements while the other kids took care of the lights and music. The younger students would be selling food to the guests.
We didn’t host this event only to raise money. We wanted to delve further. Using what we have to provide Vidyaloka students with unique experiences that they wouldn’t normally get was the main goal of Room to Read. Because it puts the children from our partner school directly into the OSC scene. It functions as a kind of connection that connects our worlds and allows us to showcase our major achievements to the whole OSC team. These experiences aren’t just for show, either, they’re also helping Vidyaloka students step beyond of their comfort zones, thrive on stage, and apply the knowledge they gain to real-life situations. It’s all about being engaged. This event had a great turnout, parents, instructors, and students in large numbers came to the library to support the artists. The audience was incredibly friendly, which gave the artists a nice, ambiguous feeling within.