CAS Goals
My goal for the activity aspect of CAS is to work out at least 3 times a week for a minimum of 1 hour each session. I have always been skinny my whole life and decided to embark on a weight gain journey at the start of the year. I knew with my metabolism rate now it would be hard just to eat food. So I decided to purchase a mass gainer. A mass gainer is a supplement that provides protein, carbohydrates, and possibly fats with the intention of helping to add muscle mass. The workouts I will be conducting will be mostly lifting weights this type of workout only works on building muscle. If I engage in a cardio workout it would make my mass gaining journey harder thus making the purchase of my mass gainer supplement useless. During the time I am writing this goal I am now 55kg. I am to reach 60 to 62 kg after I have finished all of my mass gainer. A secondary goal of mine for activity is my participation in the SAISA volleyball tournament. I have been selected to play for the saisa team in the libero position this year. My goal is to train for a minimum of 5 hours every week. Every week the saisa team trains for a maximum amount of 7 hours. Training to become a libero requires attention and dedication and I wish to acquire those characteristics during training.
As I started the DP1 program I chose HL chemistry as my group 6 option. Choosing chemistry was the hardest decision I had to make out of any group. It was hard because I really wanted to do visual arts and was one of my favorite subjects. But it was offered in the same group as chemistry. I was confused about what I wanted to do in the future, so choosing chemistry will expand the option of courses I can embark in university if I did not like the one I was in. So having chemistry instead of visual arts comprises how much creativity I can express in my work. So as a goal for creativity I wish to create 3 unique art pieces. The 3 art pieces will also be different in terms of what type of media it is. By the time writing this I wish to create a Acrylic, pencil and digital camera art peice. To approve my art peices and get credible comments I will show my artwork to Ms.Eagle who is the art teacher for secondary.
I have been in the media service, gecko net for almost 4 years and hope to continue it this and next year. I joined this service because I was interested in the art of photography and wanted to master the digital camera. Our service focuses of informing what other services do to the OSC community and this is why gecko net was created in the first place. There was not enough spotlight on the many services we offer in this school, so sharing the accomplishments of services to the community, informs and persuades the audience into making a change in their life. As an 11th grader and the oldest in the service, I hold a big responsibility of the service group. Vinuda, Thisath and Oliver who are my 11th-grade mates have to work together and use our experience to teach the others. My main goal is to attend every service block there is and to try to accomplish my daily goal related to the service. I am the main photographer for the service and wish to capture good quality photos which inform the audience of another service. Another goal of mine is to share all of my knowledge about the camera and photo-taking to the others in my service. I want to teach them because when I graduate, someone needs to be in charge of being the cameraman. Sharing valuable information will be helpful and hopefully, they become a photographer like me.