IB Orientation trip (Kithulgala)

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I have learned many things in the IB DP orientation by doing the various activities set by borderlands. On the first day we went down the kelina river by doing white water rafting. This activity made me understand how the river works. Like Mr.Wade said “You would never look at the river the same way after this lesson”). I gained so much much knowledge about running rivers which could save mine or someone else’s life. By knowing where to swim in the river or know parts of the river will help me in the future if I embark on a similar journey. A activity I will never forget from the trip is when we sat on a small riverside beach after going down a rapid with the raft. On the beach Mr.Wade held up a smooth round rock and a big brown dying leaf. We had to use either one of these object to describe life. When it was my turn to talk I picked the rock. I started off by saying that the rock is like us, humans and it is on a journey. The rock started as something big but as it goes down the river stream (journey) it hits all the other rocks (challenges in life) to shape the way the rock is today. A person’s journey can shape who they are today. I also mentioned that the size of the rock is like the person’s age as it goes down the river it degrades little by little and the rock was very smooth which shows you how “weared” it is because it was exposed to external elements which is basically all the challenges in life.

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