This year for COMUN XXIX, I was the Head of Technology which was not a new role for me because I had done it once before when I was in grade 8. I  was the Head of Media in 2022 which gave me confidence and enough experience to do this role again. This year went much smoother than years before because the Secretariat was much more organized and Matthew who was the Head of Operations was easy to contact because I would meet him everyday at school. He did a lot of work and Conference wouldn’t have been so smooth without him. 


The first task that I had to do was to make new assets such as the COMUN bird, the gradient which dictated the color theme for this year’s conference, and update some of the information on our main social media pages.

The second task I had was to make a prospectus that the EXCO can use when talking to potential sponsors as a way to make it seem like the money the sponsors are giving will be worth it. This was a long process because Mathew and I would go back and forth changing small details but in the end, it made for a good prospectus that we used in order to help fund the event. 

The Prospectus

Afterward, I focused my attention on making the website. After 3 late nights of coding, I completed the website but after talking to Mr. Anto about publishing the website under the domain, he said that we had let go of our hosting service and that we had to migrate our website to Google Sites. This was a big disappointment because I had spent a lot of time making the website look good but there was nothing that could have been done so I quickly made the website again on Google Sites. Here is the link to the website. There are many parts to the website including taking photos of the EXCO which meant spending a whole afternoon repeatedly taking photos of people in their suits. Luckily I got some help from Yoosuf and Thisath which made it easier for me. Another part of the website and the conference as a whole is the study guides for each committee. A study guide is a document that is produced by the chairs in order to help delegates collect their research for the conference. The problem is, the chairs all format their document differently which made it a very tedious task for me to correct the formatting and make it cohesive between all the study guides. Each study guide also needed a cover that needed designing which was not so bad as I enjoy designing stuff on Photoshop. After completing all of that, Pep informs me that there are more documents that need covered so another TOK lesson later, the whole website was complete. 

The Study Guide For GA3

Another thing that I had to work on was the Instagram feed which was fun because I get to design posts. Sometimes, however, I prioritized quality over time which meant that some posts got delayed like the EXCO post which came out the week before the conference but other than that, all the posts went up mostly on time.  

The IG Feed

As we were getting closer to conference, it was important that the placards and certificates were made. Luckily Matthew organized everything into an excel sheet which made it easy for me to make the certificates and placard as I made one main template which I modified in order to create the many unique copies that were required. 

Design for The Placard

For conference itself, we had to make the slideshow which was relatively simple. As well as that we did all of the media coverage in terms of taking photos and videos. The session ended with a video which was produced by the tech team but the credit goes to Thisath as he worked very hard editing and directing the groups.


Here are some of the photos of us :).


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