Vansh's CAS Journey

My extra-curricular activities at OSC

Vanish’s Debate Experience

Joining the debate club has been a rollercoaster of learning and growth. From hesitant beginnings to finding my voice amidst a sea of differing opinions, every session has been a step toward self-discovery. The club isn’t just about arguing; it’s about honing the art of persuasion, cultivating critical thinking, and understanding the power of effective communication.

I began my debating experience this year itself. Convinced by Mr. Luvinzu, the teacher in charge, I partook in this after school activity. And it very well served the purpose of developing my public speaking skills and also challenging me to present my ideas in a coherent way by successive note-taking.

This preparation for debate club culminated into a debate on Masculinity with the notion that: Masculinity is dying, not evolving. Our preparation wasn’t just about winning an argument, it was about understanding the urgency of redefining masculinity in a way that embraces compassion, emotional intelligence, and individuality. It was about recognizing that the restrictive ideals of the past are giving way to a more inclusive and progressive vision of masculinity.

I finally had the debate this Wednesday during books and cookies. And least to say, it was a success. I was quite confident while speaking, and was able to put forward my ideas in a succulent and coherent way.

My thoughts on the debate topic didn’t matter because the side we argued on was decided by a flip of a coin. This not only allowed me to challenge my own beliefs about masculinity but also getting a different perspective on this issue. And this is what the debate club has been about: partaking and delivering effectively under pressured and uncomfortable situations.

This debating experience has taught me the following things and has allowed me to work on the following learning outcomes:

LO1: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process. And I did this by working on my public speaking skills and my research skills.

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