The greatest approach to advertise anything or make people aware of something is to post advertising or other content on social media. We created an Instagram account (@oscgirlsforgirls) as a service organization dedicated to raising public awareness about sexual assault and letting victims know that there is always someone to listen to them.
This was initiated during Women’s Week in March, and since then, we’ve been uploading posts and stories about the services we’ve been providing, as well as more quotes about women empowerment. Many people who are interested have started following us to keep up with our activities, and I think it’s great to know that there are others, including men, who support our efforts.
Despite the fact that it is still my first year in their program, “Girls for Girls” has taught me a lot. Hence. I’ve decided to stay with this Service group for my senior year and do my best to help those in need.
P.s: If you are interested, please feel free to follow our Instagram page @oscgirlsforgirls.
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