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Eid Festival Gift wrapping


May 26, 2021 by cascoordinator

Two or three weeks ago was close to the celebration of Eid festival after 30 days of fasting, this means that the average Muslim person has to fast for 30 days where they drink no water or no food from Sunrise to Sunset. Each year when it is days of fasting left my family decides to go and celebrate by buying the children in our family gifts for the day of festival and to make it a memorable festival we make sure to wrap them up with some party themed wrapping paper. The process to wrap some paper for presents, my mom took an hour to finish about 8 gifts properly wrapped up, but now with my help it about 20 to 30 mins to finish that same amount of presents. To make sure there is a colour scheme as to how the presents will be given various different age groups it was set in the manner where the younger ones will get presents like Toys, Sicency stuff and the ones that were older which are my older cousin sisters they would get items like clothes. So coming back to wrapping the presents it was a new experience for me because first of All I have never wrapped presents other than my parents wrapping them up for me, for me wrapping them for someone else was really heartwarming and felt like I was a new man. See moment festival I made some changes and that was giving some things that I did not use much which were an old watch, a loomband set and two of my cars. These I gave them because they never meant much value to me and it was time to give it to people who could value of it. That is something that changed me as a person by giving things I did not get use of.


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