Changing Hot wheels Model Cars
0December 6, 2021 by cascoordinator
Ever since I was a little kid I loved collecting model cars because I knew when I started earning my own money I would buy my own ride and it would be an interesting sexy car. So till I got to the age where I could drive I used to every car model company such as Hot wheels, Matchbox, Maisto etc… Hot Wheels was one of my bought models until I was 10 years old and 4 of these models came with a option where the colour changes depending on the temperature changes from Cold and Warm water. these cars were made to show when the temp changes from cold to warm the colour changes slowly. I bought these different up till I was 10 years old and when I went through my car box I saw these models were still lying after 7 and half years and I thought that this feature would not work because the paint might be busted or something. So on that day when my cousin sisters came to the house I told this that this feature worked on one of the cars and they were intrigued to see whether the feature exists after 7 years being in a box. I brought two bowls to the table (one with warm water and the other with cold ice water). surprisingly the result still works to this data I was really shocked and astonished that even after 7 years it still showed a good result. My cousins were all gassed as they were seeing the colours changing from one colour to the next.
from this Interaction I learnt a few things that night
LO3, Initiative and Planning: This was not more of an planning stage but an initiative because I honestly had a thought that the result was not going to be success instead it was going to be a fail because after span of time chances of things occurring of this nature rarely happen because the quality degrades over time but I am happy this was a success and I would want to get more models of this in the future so that I could show them saying their are more cars that have this feature.
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LO4, Working collaboratively with others was another thing I noticed occurring when I was doing this creativity Cas with my cousins while they were so interested as the colours were changing they also wanted to try it by dipping the cars into the bowel, but there was health and safety protocol where because these were little kids I told them they could dip the cars on cold water and by no means they were not supposed to touch the warm water because it was really hot and they touched there would be a lot of crying and a lot of shouting from my Parents but everything worked out pretty well and no major damages occurred which was a success and an interesting project cracked.
Category Uncategorized | Tags: Creativity
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