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Cleaning the barbeque Grill and an utter fail with a Vacum Cleaner


May 26, 2021 by cascoordinator

Since we were in time of fasting our Barbeque Grill was rarely used, this meant we had to  clean it because it was covered in fungus. When fungus forms in a barbeque grill it comes in the form of this green type of puss that if it is consumed it could have results in your system. Which is why we had to clean it so we could use it and get it back and running. The process towards to cleaning is not easy when when you have to clean a BBQ machine, there is a set of other layers that needs to be taken out when you are cleaning the machine. there is the heating systems, the tray, the grills and the cover of the grill is some things that needs to be cleaned. The Procedure to do it was simple and with helping my dad with it we had done it more faster. First you had to take a pressure hose and clean it with some dishwashing liquid so that it becomes really clean. After that you have to assemble it back and put in the way it was. I also tried fixing a vacuum cleaner which my Grandma’s because it had issues where it was working properly, something that after you take it out of the plug-point it does not work and does not respond. To see what the issue was I tried it myself to take out the plug-point and tried switching it on and then testing it. But after so much of tries and attempts it did not work out and work very well. But apart from that the fixing of the Barbeque grill was a success but the vacuum cleaner was not really.


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