ATV Biking
0February 19, 2021 by cascoordinator
“On the 1st day After Christmas my true love gave to me,” Hold up this is not 12 days before Christmas this is after it. But this was the second activity, and that was ATV rding in a property In the District of Gampaha away from the city. This adventure activity was all about making quick desions when your driving the Vehicle because the slightest mistake you make will land you on an injury on damaging the vehicle itself. Weeks before the holidays me and my dad jotted down a list of activities to do focused on the weekends. ATV was one of the options that was on the list because when we last time went I really enjoyed the visit and wanted to do it. we started by leaving here at around 8.30 in the morning and it took us 40 mins to get to the destination. Once we reached the place we were given Five ATV and went in the method where one person goes in the front and rides the first for X number of Minutes and then when we get back the next person gets on and rides the second round. We did this method and the first I went with my dad alonside me and then the second round my dad went but had to turn back halfway as one of my cousins had got into an accident by hitting on to a big rock. Thankfully she was okay but if there wasn’t anyone who was behind her she could have been really hurt and critical. But overall this was an amazing activity to do and if I were to come to again I would bring a different set of people because this is truly an experience to witness
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