Today, I woke up and for some reason, I did not feel the same as I usually do, and then I remembered… this is quite possibly my last real week of school. And by real, I mean, sleep depression is in tack, homework is still in piles covering my table, and tests are lined up […]
Times of the COVID-19
Senior Year; Carrying my Load
Senior year is a state of limbo. You’re very conscious of the fact that in a few months you’re going to be living in a tiny room on your own, halfway across the world. With each application I submitted, this fact became clearer and clearer to me. I remember how much my sister struggled with […]
A Slow Economy; Supporting Local Businesses
COVID-19 has impacted economies around the world greatly, here in Sri Lanka, we have seen an abrupt halt in the community interacting with local businesses, understandably people are spending in strategic ways in order to save money and they are also practicing social distancing. However, as a person that is privileged enough to still be […]
Making A New Friend in Art
For the past few weeks, art has become a very important part of my routine. Since activities have been canceled and it looks like we are jumping into the second wave of the pandemic here in Sri Lanka, I find comfort in knowing art will always be here when I need an escape from the […]
Times of the COVID-19: A Different Kind of Pandemic
Whilst COVID-19 is a relatively new virus, 2020 has forced us to confront a different kind of pandemic, one that had existed for hundreds, if not thousands of years: racism. The recent tragic and horrific death of George Floyd sparked a series of violent and non-protests throughout the United States, with the African American community […]
Times of the COVID-19: Taking a Step Back
As the world came to a standstill during this global pandemic, many of us were forced to step back and revaluate our views on life. Before the pandemic we operated in a constant state of stress and panic, whether it was concerning work deadlines, exams, universities. However, the pandemic halted all of this constraining us […]
Times of the COVID-19: Finding Solace in Art
Regardless of whether it was binge-watching a Netflix series or reading the Illiad, we turned towards the arts to find some sort of solace in an otherwise bleak moment in history. I’ve always held a certain fascination and appreciation for the arts, to me, they are a testimony to the greatnesses of the human mind. […]