Reef Keepers is a student-led service group dedicated to raising awareness of plastic use within our community and advocating for coral preservation and ocean life protection.
My experience in Reef Keepers was quite unique due to our school participating in the DLP. Even though our meetings were restricted to just weekly one-hour zoom calls, We were able to accomplish a lot as a group. Some of these accomplishments include:
- Devising a mission statement
- Creating a ReefKeepers Website
- Starting the Green Tips
- Discussions of new merchandise
“We utilize advocacy campaigns, education initiatives, and interactive experiences to work towards protecting our local and global oceans. Some actions have included: environmental clean-ups, local screenings of documentaries about climate change and ocean health, introducing reusable options to the community, upcycling plastics to keep them out of our environment, and spreading awareness through infographics and social media.”
Other tasks that I partook in were in the discussions of new merchandise. We came up with the idea of additionally selling hoodies, water bottles, and masks along with the T-Shirts. Our group also created a new logo that could be printed with the merchandise.
Learning Outcomes:
LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively:
I had to collaborate with other Reef Keeper members to come up with new merchandise ideas and to create a new design to go on the clothing other than the iconic “Free the Sea” design.
LO7: recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.
When discussing what merchandise that Reef Keepers should sell, we considered selling phone cases and water bottles, however, we realized that it may be counterproductive to the Reef keeper’s agenda. We also looked into the idea of using sustainably sourced materials for the production of the T-shirts and hoodies, however, we were not able to find a company that could do so (within our budget).