Volleyball has always been my favourite sport. I’ve been playing the sport since I was in 6th grade. I’ve played in almost every position on court, but setter has always been my personal favourite. Unfortunately this year I was not able to be a part of the team because of a knee injury that got significantly worse the summer before.
I was incredibly sad that I wasn’t able to to be part of the AISD team this year. The coach had emailed asking why I hadn’t come to the open gym session, and I had to email him saying that I wasn’t able to play this season due my knee. I decided that I would try and go to the open gym session the next day just so I could play at least once before I wasn’t able to again for a long. During that practice had asked me to meet him the next morning to discuss something.
When I went he and the athletics director had an offer for me. They asked if I was able to be the team manager for the SAISA girls varsity team. said yes and I was given a “contract” of sorts that said that I would do what I’m supposed to and failure to do so would result in me getting terminated of my position. I signed it and gave it back. As team manager my duties were to take attendance every practice, help the girls warm up, help with directing the drills and setting the ball up for the hitters. I also had to keep track of the girls actions of court and note down every bump, set, spike done by each member.
The first practice was on Wednesday 6:15 AM, Although it was difficult to wake up I still was excited. I came to practice, took attendance and helped the girls with warming up. We continued the rest of practice and I was really enjoying myself. I had a lot of fun working with the team. I continued this routine 4 days a week, from either 6:15 AM – 7:45AM or 5:00PM to 6:30PM. This required me to stay at school for a lot of the day and I often came home very tired but I was having fun so it was worth it.
In September the AISD was invited to a big volleyball tournament at Scholastica. The girls had tough games but they played strong all the way to the finals. I kept track of the girls plays on court and tended to their injuries. Unfortunately the girls lost in the finals.
After the Scholastia tournament, the girls trained even harder. They put their all into every practice and I made sure to do my best as well. I made sure that they were being challenged. They wanted to gain their reputation back at the next tournament.
During the first weekend of October, AISD hosted their annual DISA volleyball tournament. The girls played their best all the way into the finals and ultimately they won the finals against Scholastica, it was an exciting moment to be a part of. The AISD girls winning the finals in their own court.
Overall this season was bittersweet for me. Even though I wasn’t able to play on the team on court, I was still able to hold an integral part on the sidelines.