The last year of CAS started off with small-scale CAS activities upon coming out of the lockdown era of Covid-19. For me, this included building a consistent routine involving all aspects of CAS; Playing weekly basketball and volleyball, starting up Housing and Habitat service and using creative skills to help lead fundraisers for service. Some of the learning outcomes that were built through this were; strength and growth in volleyball and basketball as active aspects, initiative and planning to which help build up housing and habitat service back to a consistent service group, collaborative skills when working in sports teams, service groups and group 4 science investigations. As well as considering the global impact of service as well as being ethical about decisions and actions taken.
For my final year of CAS I would like to work on all aspects of CAS as well as build upon all 7 learning outcomes. For activity, I will continue to play basketball and volleyball weekly, specifically SAISA volleyball which I hope to compete for the boys volleyball team in Nepal. Here I will look to my strengths and areas of growth, were my fitness levels as well as on court awareness skills are something I hope to build.
For Service, I will continue leading in partnership with my service leaders, the group housing and habitat, in which the goal with the service is to start a project with a local school know as vidyaloka vidyalaya, to which we hope to provide infrastructure to aid in the learning of elementary and middle school students.
For creativity I want to continue to plan and lead the service group, undertaking rolls to bring in all members of a service group together to collaborate, as well as plan projects to support our cause. I would also like to explore photography as a creative outlet to which I have not formally explored.