Like father like daughter 📸
Every time I go on vacation and discover a new place I like taking a lot of pictures, just like my dad: taking thousands of pictures 🤪! From the smallest living being to the biggest, I really like to take a photo of everything I see. I really like taking pictures because it captures the moment and even after years it allows us to remember what we felt when we were there or saw it. This time, I decided to post photos on the different means of transport we can find in different countries. It might not be an interesting subject for everyone, but I found this quite interesting to see how different the means of transport can be from one place to another. I decided on the subject when I remembered how striking the difference was between my home country France, and Sri Lanka, I was really shocked 😮!
It is really the first time I will show my pictures to people other than my family but I am very excited to expose them and maybe receive comments on how to improve for the next ones!
Here is the link to see my pictures, please take a look it will only takes a few minutes😇:
(the link will be here soon)