Meeting the IB Halfway (The end of DP1)

Finishing DP1 is something I’m still coming to terms with. People told me time would fly, but I didn’t think time would ACTUALLY fly! DP1 finished in a blink of an eye, but overall looking back at where I started and where I am both academically and personally, there has been so much progress and growth. Coming into DP was challenging and a little intimidating at first, but with all the classes I chose, school became so much better. Things were more focused on my preferences and interests, which I really enjoy.  I noticed I had gained a much more focussed work ethic. I pushed myself more than I ever have to produce the best possible work I could for all subjects. Not only for grades, but because I wanted the reassurance of knowing I gave my best regardless of the grade.

 I persevered in times when work was hard – especially in math – and I saw both my mind expand and grades improve as time passed. I built my analytical skills, my writing skills, my presentation skills, my critical thinking skills – all things that will hold great value for me in the future. But most importantly, I gained experiences and made memories with the people I love. Going on many field trips, like to the Maldives, Sinharaja forest, Borderlands, Down South, which all left a mark on me. But I must say, the Maldives was my favorite. Our Environmental Science class along with the Biology class had gone to Fulhadoo and Male Island for a 5 day stay. It was very beautiful; I witnessed and tried so many new things, different foods, snorkelling at night and overall understanding how life on an island worked.

This year has been challenging but fun through forming stronger bonds with friends, going on my first SAISA, gaining better understanding with my teachers. It has been a rollercoaster, but in all the right ways, going over many obstacles on the way, but making it to the end regardless. I learnt that any goal is possible to achieve if only one tries and actively works towards it.

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