Care for Paws Fundraiser at the Welcome Back Picnic!

This Saturday, September 16th 2023, OSC hosted our annual welcome back picnic. This was the first one back since COVID, so our service group was very excited to have this opportunity to do some fundraising. We decided that since there would be so many other baked goods/food stalls already, we were going to do something different and sell drinks: coke, sprite and iced tea. We had done this once previously at sports day, and it was very sucessfull, so it made sense to do it once more. Ms. Francemone (our service leader) generously offered her time up to buy the sodas and iced teas, and as a group we collaborated on taking shifts, organising money etc.

One of our members receiving a donation from a parent

Me, Maya and 2 others from our group took the first 1 shift, from 3-4, where we sold all our soft drinks, and by the time our shift was over, there were only iced teas left!

One of our customers pondering over his drink selection


We ended up selling out by about 4.30, so some reflection on our part would next time be to prepare more effectively to make as much profit as we can. In the end, this was a very successful fundraiser, we sold all the drinks, made a nice profit, of Rs.33,000 and even received many donations This fundraiser was also useful in terms of making ourselves as a group known to not only students, but also parents, faculty, and other gecko community members which was where most of our donations came from. Overall, we are very grateful for the support, and are excited to use these funds to put towards our sterilisation camp coming up sometime in the near future.


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