Creativity is definitely my most prominent CAS category. When I was first introduced to the CAS program, I knew I would never have to worry about clocking in enough time for this category. Music has been a huge part of my life for as long as I can remember, so naturally, I get involved in as many concerts and musical groups as I possibly can. As this is my last year at OSC, I plan to take full advantage of its inclusive and non-competitive musical programs such as concert band, the senior production (Oliver!), senior voice and gecko factor. Gecko factor, a spin-off of X-factor that is organized by the student government of OSC, is one of my favorite events. I enjoy the friendly competition involved and am looking forward to participating again this year. Last year, my performance earned 3rd place. This year, I hope to perform to the same standard or even higher. With such an inclusive musical program, I’ve made connections with other musicians within the school community. I have earned a number of friends through this program and I hope to perform duets in this year’s Spring Gala with as many of these people as possible. This will be my “musical send-off.”
Although my involvement in OSC’s athletic community probably doesn’t exceed my involvement in its musical programs, it is equally important to me and I enjoy it just as much. This was a tricky category to structure because of my medical history. For the last 2 years, a recurring knee injury has forced me to be constantly tracking my knee recovery times in correspondence with the SAISA seasons. In my DP1 year, I planned to participate in the season 1 sport: SAISA Girls’ Volleyball, and the season 2 sport: SAISA Girls’ Soccer. However, the state of my knee when volleyball tryouts came around didn’t prove to be in a strong enough shape for me participate travel with the team. Nonetheless, I made a goal to come to as many training sessions as possible and contribute to the team my knowledge of the game in the form of coaching and verbal feedback. At this point in time, I’m unsure whether I’ll be able to participate in SAISA soccer but if I’m able, I hope to become more comfortable shooting under pressure from angles other than directly in front of the goal.
Upon entering a school that follows the IB curriculum, I chose to fulfill the required community service participation by joining the Housing and Habitat group. Among other tasks, we are currently working on producing a video that we can show in school assemblies as a summary of what our service is able. My goal this year is to
contribute my time and ideas to this video. Another project our service works on as ongoing job is Project Uplift. For it, we build little tables and chairs out of discarded wooden palettes that we plan to donate to local preschools. My other goal for service is to finish at least 3 chairs before I leave OSC.