Kenji's CAS Journey

"Experiences to be cherished, moments to be proud of."

DP1 CAS Semester 2 Reflection

Feature Image was taken by Kenji Tan.

This semester’s CAS journey has definitely been unprecedented, to say the least. During the beginning of the year, the future seemed so bright as I had many things in plan for projects under creativity, activity, and service. This, of course, could not always be materialized due to COVID-19 but I’m proud of how I made the best out of the entire situation. Though badminton was cut off midseason during the training part, I’ve found other ways to get in activity exercises such as with the home workout app on my phone where I’ve committed myself to daily workouts during the lockdown. Furthermore, I’ve even restarted badminton training lessons when lockdown began to ease and will continue with my passion for the sport. As for service, helping out around the house and doing chores, has never been more productive on my end as I do the dishes and change my bedsheets, and more. Helping my brother with schoolwork has also been a fulfilling opportunity.

Image taken by Kenji Tan.

Overall, productivity is one area that I’ve always had trouble grappling with. With the repetitive days and the same routine all the time, it’s hard to feel like things are really moving forwards and coming to something. I’ve been pushing myself over the past few months to do more and to dedicate my time away from the many distractions that plague my working environment at home. One such way of getting on with productivity is with creating projects that are useful and meaningful like playing the violin to create an ensemble by myself. It’s given me a bit more purpose and directive to get things done and I’ve been able to grow from these experiences as well. However, there are some things I still very much need to be working on such as how I am always distracted by the things around my room. I need to be able to stick to my timetable and schedules that I set for myself, rather than getting washed away by my urges to go to Youtube or Netflix. I will try to improve on this by creating a better habit for myself and change my attitude towards work by creating a mentality that strives towards the goals that I am trying to reach, that is, getting as much done as I can with the time I have.

Image taken by Kenji Tan.

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