1. Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.
I had always not been the most organized and having a routine for physical activities helped me keep myself more organized in everything I did. Making mixtapes/yearbooks was something that helped me grow in areas like making electronic content. yearbook is also something that I would not normally do and being able to go through the process helped me grow.
2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.
Going to the gym helped me gain new skills with time management and perseverance. it also helped me gain actual skills like proper techniques. when I first started off I barely knew what I was doing and would need a lot of help, but after starting off I know how to handle myself and I have skills I can do at home when I cannot access the gym. I had never done something similar to a yearbook ever so going through the process of how the yearbook is made helped me understand how to plan out projects.
3. Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.
Both going to the gym and starting a fan page were new things to me. I had to make sure to plan and initiate both properly so they could be successful. In the fan page is started of by doing research on how to grow as well as how to edit specific kinds of things to make sure that my fan page was as successful as it could be. this initial research taught me a lot about how social media and editing work.
4. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.
When thinking about commitment and perseverance the main two CAS experiences that come to mind are my Kyrie fan page and going to the gym. Going to the gym requires a lot of perseverance as somedays you don’t feel like going but you need to think about the end goal. You can also lose motivation in going to the gym when you put in a lot of work but the results are not the best, and at these times is when you need to remember the most to stay committed and persevere. When it came to the kyrie fan page , the commitment and perseverance came in finding the motivation to keep posting after losing followers and activity not being how it used to be like.
5. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.
Due to covid, a lot of teamwork was not able to happen. The main place that I worked as a team was in service. We would meet u every day and have discussions on different things we do to help reduce the ecological footprint. The main way we worked as a team is when we collect waste paper around school, we split up into groups of 2 or 3 and collect waste paper and cardboard around school, splitting up and taking on different places of the school helps us make a lot of progress in the little time we have together.
6. Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.
This aspect was mainly covered in the recycling and sustainability service where we collect paper around the school for recycling. We also spread awareness on environmental issues. This helps reduce the ecological footprint of the people in our school community. This shows that local action can still have an impact in the bigger picture.
7. Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.
Collecting paper and spreading awareness on environmental issues is where most of my ethical choices and actions were present. I collected paper at school and spread awareness on how to reduce ecological footprint at school and home.