Since the beginning of lockdown, I had wanted start getting into a gym schedule and wanted to get a gym schedule. When lockdown happened, I noticed that due to working at home, I had started to gain weight because sat down for long periods of time and was not active. During the beginning of DLP I was active as I played basketball almost every day. As time went on, I stopped playing basketball and didn’t really have much physical activity. I went to look for a gym membership in October when the lockdown was lifted. I went to look at a gym membership but due to a rise in Covid 19 cases, I had to hold on my decision to start going to the gym. In early December cases started to slow down and I ended up getting a year and one-month membership.
I first got a one-month membership to check out the gym and the personal training session I had got. The first month of the gym training, I did 3 times a week. The personal trainer gave me a. gym plan in the begging. The plan was to do upper body on the first day, CrossFit on the second day and legs on the third day. I would copy this process for the rest of the month. Starting from January is started to do 4 sessions a week instead of 3. I did 2 upper body days and 2 leg days each week and did CrossFit session sometimes instead of upper body or legs.
The whole experience of starting to go to a gym and having a gym scheduled helped me and taught me a lot. Having a schedule helped me plan out my activates as I needed to plan out my free time better because of the time that going to the gym took. I learnt how to do different things at a gym and also learnt how to try to gain muscle. It also helped me keep active throughout the majority of me week. Which in turn made me feel better overall as, I was not sitting around all day. It also got me into the habit of doing something physical everyday even if it small.