The second session on Feb 27th was more of a research based lecture, where we discussed the materials we read over the weekdays. The materials were all written by scholars interested in linguistic features or human-based communication. In this session, we defined communication, categorized ways of communicative practices, and focused on specific instances of linguistic features and language use. For example, we spent about an hour on a linguistic repertoire called “Register”, which is one of the most iconic part of a language that associates with particular social practices. The studies of register rely on the metalinguistic ability of native speakers to discriminate between linguistic forms and to make evaluative judgments about variant forms, so we looked into social scenarios and analyzed the register within. Such in-depth analysis provided me with insight of the linkage of social practices and linguistic repertoires, and I have also realized the underlying social boundaries caused by the use of register, by setting users into distinct groups. (LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance) Some other research paper we discussed were “Communication” by Sapir, “Communication as culture” by Carey, “The Speech Event and The Function of Language” by Jakobson, “Register” by Agha, “Footing” by Goffman, “Skills and Selves In The New Workspace” by Urciuoli. All of these identified certain parts or features within the intricate communicative network between social unit, and how we, as human, view, use and evaluate them. (LO7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions)