Pioneer Research Program Session 1

I was admitted to the Pioneer Research Program, a program that provides undergraduate-level research opportunities for international applicants, and I started my research with Professor Asif Agha from UPenn, who is internationally known for his work on language in society. My research concentration is on Anthropology, and I’m going to examine the role of communicative processes in shaping common conceptions of the world and in facilitating forms of social organization through which people live in that world, which basically explores the usage of language in the case of diverse communicative practices—such as art, advertising, film and the mass media—and examines the forms of culture to which they give rise.(LO6:Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance) On February 13th, I had the first lecture session with Professor Agha, and discussions in this session focused on specific case studies and ethnographic examples of human language patterns. Through this program, I hope to address some of the questions I have about human, including “How do they communicate cultural models or ideas about the world?” “How do cultural models (e.g., conceptions of politics, nature, and the self) spread within a society?” “What do common representations of the world (worldviews) imply about ways of collectively inhabiting the world (social organization)?” as well as “How do communicative practices shape the size and characteristics of groups that share a common culture?”. (LO7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions)


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