On the 3rd of March, the eco schools group went out to collect trash in the nearby area of school. It was an event we had planned for a while prior as a course of action to help promote sustainability and aid the local community. We all put on yellow vests to show that we were part of school, and divided ourselves into two separate groups that walked along two different paths to pick up trash. We primarily found plastic and similar waste, but among the waste were some batteries and glass which we did not know what to do with. After a while, the entire eco schools group walked along the same path and we managed to effectivise how much trash we could pick up.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Working Collaboratively with others – We worked together as a service group and divided ourselves into groups where we picked up different types of waste
  • Initiative and Planning – We planned out and organised where the trash goes, so that we could sort the waste effectively into different bags. Great Success

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