Emily's CAS Journey

Read that ish

An attempt at becoming a painter

Through our DLP experience, we have been introduced into no screen Fridays. This is a way for us as students to get away from our screens for a day and spend it doing productive no screen activities. I decided to embark on a painting escapade in the comfort of my own home. I had been wanting to change the colour of my walls in my room for a year now but I never had the time. Now seemed as good as ever to try (even though I don’t have much time left in this roo!). I had decided that I wanted to paint my walls grey but I couldn’t choose between a deep grey colour and a light grey colour. I didn’t want my walls to be a boring light grey all around so I thought that it might be a good idea to do an accent wall.

My accent wall. Photo: James Whight

The first step was moving EVERYTHING out of my room (this was the first step of a 3-day process) which I can say is significantly more than a handful. It took me about half a day to move all my stuff out and arrange my furniture into the middle of the room. That same day I went out to buy the paint for my accent wall which I decided should be a dark grey colour and almost looked blue. This was one of the hardest walls to paint because it required many many layers as the previous green colour kept showing through as it dried.

The area where the paint would show after it dried.

My no screen Friday ended up turning into a no screen weekend. Saturday morning I woke up from my restful sleep on the couch and went with my dad to pick the lighter colour of paint for the remaining 3 walls. I chose a nice light grey which almost looked white when the little bit was put onto the can. As I started painting the lighter colour onto my walls it looked like it was turning pink!! I began to panic but then thought that I would trust the process, luckily as it dried it turned into a nice grey colour. I painted a wall and a half a day, so I had managed to finish all the walls on Sunday and saying I was sick of it is an understatement.

Painting the lighter grey. Photo: James

Alas, I finished and moved everything on Monday after TAFA. This activity allowed me to gain patience and greater respect for painters. I think this was one of the most tedious projects I have ever done but my room looks very sleek so I am glad that I did it!!

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