Last Friday our boy’s volleyball team played our second game against Salmal School Sports Club. After a relatively good game last week, besides our unfortunate loss in the final set, we had played well. Going into our warmup the boys were excited to improve from their last week’s performances, so energy levels were high after some hype music to get the team going. The team we faced did not seem to be entirely challenging at first glance, but nevertheless, our mentality stayed the same going into the first set, and it was to improve from last week. We started off slowly, with a couple of missed serves and net touches, however, we were able to maintain a steady lead, playing through our mistakes. The first set always is helpful to set the tone for the remainder of the match, and I think we took our time but eventually got to our match pace. Going into our second set, our team confidence was higher, resulting in more powerful hits from our hitters, and winning more points. At the end of the set, we had won comfortably. For our third set, we had an amazing opportunity for our second team to play, this was a great learning experience for the younger boys as it was most of their first time ever playing in a formal match of volleyball. I was pleased with their performance, considering the fact that it was their first game ever. Overall, the game was quite successful, however, I believe there are still many things that we need to work on, like our defensive game. Things like our first receive and blocking still need some work. Going forward towards our next game I want our team’s chemistry to stay as it was, I was pleased with the way we communicated on and off the court and encouraged the younger players.