"Patience is a key element of success" Bill Gates

Environment Day

Environment day 2019

                                                         Environment day 2019.
                                                            Taken by GeckoNet

Environment day began at OSC since last year as a day to learn about waste management, sustainability, and our role as humans on earth and how to protect it. This year it was hosted on the 5th of March and this was the day for which I designed and printed Recycling and Sustainability service t-shirts, which was one of my recent posts. Environment day was hosted at OSC during the morning assembly and organized by the 2 services which dedicates on improving our school’s impact on the environment. Recycling and Sustainably focuses on reducing the carbon footprints of human being, this message was also shown on my t-shirt, and Reef keepers who focus on reducing the amount of plastic in our global oceans. Together with these 2 services combined on Thursday service sessions, we developed a skit on spreading awareness of waste on the school campus and the usage of different bins, along with a presentation on the importance of keeping the ocean clean.

Reef Keepers and Recycling and Sustainability meeting.
Taken by Mr. Lockwood

During our time of planning, Recycling and Sustainability group had some ideas of presentation and skits. Doing a skit was chosen because last year the skit was a success as the public enjoyed it and it also helps the audience remember some useful messages from the skit in the long run.

In our skit we wanted to explore a scene of how generally students dispose their waste, which was just throwing any waste in any bin or even on the ground and then a responsible student tells them the importance of waste management. A small challenge we faced during the planning of the skit was the actors and their rolls, we thought that we will need someone who can express the message in the skit very effectively by which we contacted Nehe to join in our skit. Nehe is neither part of these 2 services but he’s one the best actors we have in our school and he did a tremendous job of taking the lead role in the skit, which was a student who delivers the importance of waste separation to the public. We also had some of Recycling and Sustainability group’s students performing with Nehe such as Louis, Danaj and Lexi. The script was written by Devin which can be founded here.  At the mean time the Reef keepers were working on their presentation on the importance of keeping the ocean clean. A week before the environment day, these both service groups held a meeting together where they finalized the assembly. In the assembly we also involved Disara to talk us about the newly installed bio-gas plant, which is one of precious machines we have for the effective uses of waste at OSC.

                                              Recycling and Sustainability skit.
                                                     Taken by Mr. Lockwood

      Presentation from Reef Keepers (Alex, Talia, and Madeleine as representatives).
                                                          Taken by GeckoNet.

The assembly went well and I think everyone enjoyed it. At this time the Recycling and Sustainability service group students had all purchased my designed t-shirts and were also distributed among the staff members of OSC for recognizing their effort in making sure our school in clean and waste is managed in most suitable way. Afterwards Devin and I created a flyer of my t-shirt for our daily bulletin by which everyone can also purchase one. The project of creating the first t-shirt of Recycling and Sustainability service group was completed on this day and our aim with the revenues made from the selling is to buy a 3rd bin for our campus which will be a bin for materials which are not paper nor plastic. I enjoyed the process of creating a t-shirt because it taught me how a message of reducing the global footprint can be brought up in an artistic way, and I also learned the aspects of a t-shirt designing on Photoshop such as how to create an outline, the ratios between color images, and text, and the type of colors which is suitable for enhancing an important global message.

                            Flyer of our t-shirt.
                        Designed by the author

Our service leader with the service t-shirt
Taken by the author

Environment Day was a brilliant opportunity spread awareness about the importance of sustainability and actions to be taken to achieve it. It was also the perfect opportunity for our services groups to make the audience understand that taking small steps is the start for a big change in the future. This reflects what our services, Recycling and Suitability and Reef keepers do as a service group. Every Thursday we, the Recycling and Sustainability service group, go around school and collect recyclable materials and sell it to the local scrap dealer who further recycles the materials.

In terms of a global scale, this step is quite small as only a few students are interested in making the world green again but I think through environment day we were able to influence many more people to take just even a small step towards sustainability, especially with the waste separation at our school campus. Everyone doesn’t need to be a part in this service to separate their waste properly and become a sustainable human being, it’s all about their mindset about the world and I think through environment day we were able to influence and change their mind sets for taking actions for a green world.

            Distributing t-shirts to faculty members of OSC.
                                  Taken by GeckoNet

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