"Patience is a key element of success" Bill Gates

UN Day 2018

Overseas School of Colombo (OSC) hosts United Nations Day every year on the last day of 1st quarter of the 1st semester of school. This year OSC hosted United Nation’s day on 5th October, 2018 which was the last day before autumn break. OSC conducts United Nation’s day every year to celebrate our culture and diversity in OSC with an aim to learn more about the global issues around the world which the United Nation also concentrate on. United Day at OSC is ran by the school faculty members and the students from the Colombo Model United Nations (COMUN) school club ,in which I hold the position of Deputy Head of Technology for this year. Together along with other executive members of COMUN, including Head of Tech- Anuda,  a theme of Green Technology was decided on to be this year’s UN Day theme for OSC.

UN Day started with a flag parade which represented OSC’s diversity. After the parade there were class room sessions in which COMUN leaders gave a presentation about green technology. This year’s UN Day theme was a topic which is in my favor, Green Technology, and by which I was able to give a significant amount of details to our high school studnets about how green technology can be used in the field of agriculture.

    Presenting Green Technology in agriculture with Tavin. Credits: Gecko Net

Tavin (a senior)  and I were assigned to give a presentation to the 8th,9th, and 10th graders. During the presentations we made our students interact with each other, ask questions, answer some questions, give ideas, and also create a proposal for a greenhouse in OSC. These activities and interactions made our audience engage with the context, and I think this was one of our strategies to deliver the importance of green technology to our 8th,9th, and 10th graders. Most students were engaged and active, however I think we could have managed our time properly and have played some fun games related to green technology for having a higher engagement rate from our students.

The session lasted for 2 hours after which we had many cuisines from all around the world organized by parents and students in the cafeteria where after the presentations everyone held out for. The food were amazing and I felt very delightful to try many dishes which I had never tried before.

However I wasn’t able to stay there for a long time because I had to organize the presentation and help with all the technological work for the grand UN presentation in the assembly. I was up in the balcony of he auditorium with Anuda and OSC tech group and was helping out with checking the remote sensors, which didn’t work at the end, checking with speakers, and helping out with the slide shows. Soon the assembly began in which I was still in the balcony helping with sound and PowerPoints, however since all the technological work have been already practiced prior to the assembly, the assembly ran smoothly without any technical difficulties.

At the balcony. Credits: Anuda

This year’s UN DAY was a lot of work since I was working as a presenter for Green Technology and also working with the tech department but at the end of the day I felt great as I improved my time managing skills and leadership skills. This was my first year in which I was helping with organizing the assembly, and I think I’m now prepared to work as Deputy Head of Tech for Colombo Model United Nations as this experience will help me during handling the technological work in the conferences. Overall this UN DAY was a success as there were no disruptions, nor miss coordination in the presentations, and neither did the OSC tech failed at any stage. I enjoyed a lot and am looking forward for working for next year’s UN DAY.

For more of UN DAY 2018, click here.

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