Over the course of the past few weeks we’ve all had to find a new normal/routine. Initially, I did find it difficult as I am a person who needs routine and structure in their day. I was used to going to school, attending ASA’s and then doing my school work at home. The hardest part was re-channeling my energy as I was hyper-focused on my final IB exams, but recently the IB announced that they will be canceling the May 2020 session, it really had me a lost for a bit. However, not too long after I realized that I could take advantage of this time to focus on myself and to do activities I never had the time to do previously.
Throughout high school I made a conscious effort to stay fit and to maintain my athletic abilities by participating in sports, running weekly and attending body conditioning with my friends. Hence, I wanted to continue my efforts and become stronger and improve my running as one of my goals is to participate in a half a marathon and then eventually a marathon. With me going to college in a big city next year all I will be able to run in such events! My dad, who runs everyday before work, encourages me to stay active or to join him on his long runs. So I took on the challenge to exercise everyday for two weeks straight, alongside with some of friends. Over the course of the two weeks I have been doing HIIT workouts and doing target specific muscle strengthening exercises on top of my weekly runs. I am lucky enough that there is a running track near my house and the army does allow residents of the neighborhood to run on it, with a mask on of course. This has been a great way for me to challenge my mind and my body as it takes a lot of discipline to actually get up and workout every single day for two weeks. Although I am only six days in when I complete the entire two weeks it will be a very rewarding feeling and it would demonstrate determination. Exercise is an important part of my life as I do struggle with anxiety it is a great coping mechanism as I am able to express my worries and let go them. In those few minutes I am able to clear my mind and switch my minds focus. On top of my strength and cardio focused exercises I have been doing things like walking my dog as well which I never had the time to do the past. It has been nice spending this quality time with my dog since I will be leaving for college soon and I won’t have her by my side.
Asides from exercising and staying fit I have also been very creative. Ironically, I have been baking goods that are high in sugar! Ultimately it is all about balance. Everyone who knows me is aware about my passion for baking in fact I am known by my friends for my baked goods or my legendary apple pie. Quarantine has given me the time and freedom to experiment and make goods I normally won’t cause I did not have the time to spare. I am aware of how scarce resources are at this time, but my parents don’t seem to mind my baking since they get to eat the treats with me. I have been making chocolate bread rolls, oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, mini apple crumbles, vegan ice cream, pizza and healthy gluten free cookies. They have all turned out great and have been eaten up in hours. I love baking and experimenting with different ingredients, it is quite therapeutic for me. Usually I bake alone, however, these past few weeks I have been baking with my parents, but more with my dad although he may be clueless teaching him has been fun. It has been nice spending all this time with my parents since usually they are both quite busy with work, especially my dad, and with me going off to college soon these times are in fact quite precious.
I’ve also been helping around the house ever since quarantine. With curfew having been implemented our maids have gone back home temporarily and we only have our gardener/ guard left. Hence, I have had to help my mom with some of the house work. This includes doing dishes, setting the table, folding clothes, helping her cook sometimes and ensuring the floor is clean. It has been tiring and takes me a long time to do one task since I normally don’t really indulge in this kind of work. However, it has been useful learning a few domestic skills since I will need to know how to do a lot of these sorts of tasks when I go to college. Now that I have been indulging in these activities I have been quite occupied. This has helped me create a new normal and has allowed my days to have some structure.