After 12 plus years of schooling, I have finally reached my final year. The concept and idea of me being a senior and taking on my last year is a scary yet exciting process. The year will progressively get more stressful, hectic and unmanageable. The amount of responsibility will increase drastically with everything ranging from college applications to my final IB exams. The CAS program is a perfect opportunity for me to find that necessary balance, so that my final year will be that much more memorable. This roller coaster of a ride is slowing coming to an end, with one last big drop ahead, the idea of finally getting off this ride and experiencing the world beyond frightens but thrills me simultaneously. Here is to making the most of the abundant freedom while it lasts!
This year for creativity I won’t be straying too far from my activities. I ensured that I stepped out of my comfort zone last year, but this year I will be focusing on initiating more projects within my groups. I plan to participate in the International School Theatre Association program (ISTA), to enhance my theatre skills so that I am better prepared for my last year of the course. ISTA is a great way to gain experience and learn from other IB students. Every year there are new theatre traditions introduced and new activities for me to develop skills from. I will also be brainstorming with my co service leader Rashmi to come with more global campaigns for our service group, but to also continue to the planning process from previous years.
Though I will be continually academically challenged this year, it is important for me to ensure that I am physically active and involved with the community around me. I plan to participate in my final year of high school soccer, after four years of developing as a player. I am excited to really push myself and hopefully drive my team to a victory after years of coming close. I will dedicate myself to soccer this year, as I plan to continue playing soccer in college due to my love for the sport. Though I have played basketball competitively in the past years, due to the timing of the season this year, I won’t be able to participate. I may participate in a few sessions, but I won’t submerge myself in the sport. Also to ensure that I am keeping my body active throughout the year, I will be taking part in body conditioning all year round so that I can challenge my body and become stronger for soccer and my own desires. Through service I will actively taking action with all of our annual events and newly introduced ones. I can’t wait to see what the year has in store for me!
This will be my third consecutive year of being service leader for Care For Paws. The fact that this is my last year of service is so surreal. I have become more and more passionate about my service group and want to make a larger impact on my surrounding community with each progressive year. However, with this being my last year I want to really push my group to plan some events and to involve the community around us in a variety of different ways. We will be hosting our annual sterilization and vaccination camp, in either a new location or at the army camp tri force headquarters as the pervious year. Hopefully, Rashmi and I will leave the service group feeling as though we have made a significant positive impact on the community around us over the years!
I will create a blog post that will go into more depth of the project, however this will give an idea as to what I plan to do this year for my CAS project. I will be working with Rashmi to conquer the large scale CAS project we have in mind. We decided to host a youth sustainability awareness campaign. This campaign consists of two parts, the first is a radio talk show and the other is a sustainability interstice presentation with the local community. This project focuses on two out of the three CAS aspects: service and action. We plan to complete our CAS project by the end of October and we will posting about the process along the way.
Here is to the class of 2020!