Danaj’s CAS Journey

Final CAS Reflection

14 years… It has been 14 years since I have first entered these school walls, which I consider to be the walls of my second home. It also has been 2 years since I have started to properly balance my creativity, activity, and service. To be honest, it was probably what I needed, I wasn’t…

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IB Friday Wellness Day

Coronavirus has once again spread across the country, causing schools around the country to once again close. Our school was no different and we went back to the distance-learning plan and where we once again constantly stare at our laptops many hours on top of that the immense workload that keeps me stuck staring and…

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DP2 CAS goals

Due to COVID-19 the the final push in our DP1 has continued by doing the distance-learning program (DLP). We had to go through this by doing Zoom calls, google meets for the remaining three months. After the end of DP1, I have moved on to a new year DP2 2020-2021 which will be my senior…

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Quarantine: CAS Edition

It has now been 2 1/2 months since the school closed down due to COVID-19. Since I can’t leave the house, and now have more time on my hands due to the Distance Learning Plan (DLP). I decided to use the extra time I have to still work on my Creativity, Activity and Service while…

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Badminton training

Improving my skills One of my CAS goals for the Activity area was to participate in SAISA Badminton, and the other being to improve my skills for badminton and get it up to a decent level.  So in order to do that I needed to train in another club. So I joined a group that…

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DP Orientation- Borderlands

Day 1 On the 28th of August until the 30th of August we went on a 3 day trip to Kithulgala Borderlands, to start the DP orientation. We started off by meeting our travel guides who lead us near a dam was still being built. We stayed there and ate some butter cake. We then…

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