Danaj’s CAS Journey

DP2 CAS goals

Due to COVID-19 the the final push in our DP1 has continued by doing the distance-learning program (DLP). We had to go through this by doing Zoom calls, google meets for the remaining three months. After the end of DP1, I have moved on to a new year DP2 2020-2021 which will be my senior year. Since the COVID-19 situation has improved in Sri Lanka our school has decided to reopen and start face to face learning, so now we have a face to face learning but we have to go through safety measures such as disinfecting everything and maintaining social distancing to make sure COVID-19 doesn’t spread and send us back to DLP. Due to this pandemic even CAS has changed. These are mostly done to ensure that the spread of COVID-19 is kept at a minimum.


My creativity hasn’t been affected that much by the coronavirus since it mostly me playing piano at my own time with very few people, so social distancing is being done. My goals are the same as before which is to complete the John Thompson piano series, and composing my own piano piece.


In this CAS group the main activity I do is badminton, which is currently in a fragile situation because if COVID-19 cases rise a bit too much, then there is high chance that lockdown will be imposed thus resulting me to not have that much time to play that sport. Since COVID-19 may effect SAISA activities there is the chance that it will be cancelled when another wave of coronavirus hits. Which will most likely make me unable to fulfil one of my previous CAS activity goals which was to try out in SAISA badminton. I also continued doing the home quarantine exercises even after lockdown was lifted, I felt like this was a good way to stay active and to maintain a healthy lifestyle.


Service groups in school had some effect due to the coronavirus since they must fit into the social distancing and mask use. Since my service, Recycling and Sustainability, goes around collecting recycled paper from class rooms and sending them to a recycling centre, we do this in small groups of 2 or 3 so we will be able to manage social distancing. My goals are still the same as last year which is to become service leader and to ensure that recycling is being done in all classes.


dmunasinghe21 • September 7, 2020

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