2 Years….felt like 2 minutes – FINAL CAS Reflection

As the title suggests, time sure does go by. These 2 years have given me experiences that I can never replace in the future. Through all three lenses, I’ve had a lot of experience to share, and my CAS Blog should hopefully reflect that. So here is a rundown of each lens, through the last 2 years of CAS.



I feel like my creativity has been going haywire through these last two years. To me, the most obvious instances of creativity, come through the galas, performances, productions, etc. If I were to pick, I would say the Spring Gala of 2023, and Little Shop Of Horrors, were my highlights. As both demanded a lot of effort on my part, by dedicating rehearsal, practice time, interacting with others, and overall, just having a blast.

Fig 1. (Hopefully coming in on the right queue. Photo by OSC)


With activity, I feel like I’ve been improving since I started the blog. But most of the activity came from school, with experiences like the DP Orientation Trip, Week Without Walls, and personal fitness.


(Fig 2. Selfie taken after the first round. Photo by author)


Service these last two years has been very eventful for me. At the beginning of DP 1, I joined Hope For Kids, and I instantly said to myself “This was the service that I want to be a part of.” Over the last two years, we have been having a lot of hustle and bustle. That year, we started with the first visits to the Cancer Hospital since COVID-19, and ever since, we have been making even more frequent visits as time went on. We held our annual dry rations and bed linen drives and then came probably the most effective fundraiser. The Cricket Match. The first year went very well. But we planned much earlier for the second year and made sure to have more and more of everything. I’m talking food, matches, music, everything, and it resulted in us raising over Rs. 282,000! We also were finally able to get merchandise, which I do think styles us efficiently.


(Fig 3. Year one of the annual cricket match. Photo by Ms. Tanuja)

Overall, these 2 years have been a mixture of emotions. Exciting, exhilarating, tiring, difficult, etc. But that’s how I at least sum up the DP course. After graduating I may stumble upon this and say “Huh, I did all this?”

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