Eco Schools Service Update
With semester 2 kicking off alongside ASA’s, I finally got to meet the Eco Schools community! Over the past few meetings, I was assigned as the leader of the pollution group and our first task was to create our school’s green code.
A green code is essentially a list of statements outlining a sort of class conduct that guides us to be more green. Thus, we choose the green code to be made in the form of a poster as it is the most convenient method to be distributed & presented around school. Over the few meetings we had, the pollution group brainstormed some ideas of which we can select to be made into the poster.
In the end, I think that the poster looks really nice and clean. I like the colour scheme and layout we made which really fits the eco schools theme.
Learning Objectives:
LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
As a group, we worked collaboratively and productively to brainstorm and form our green code. We all worked notably well with each other and supported each other’s points.
LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance
As an Eco School community, we are all striving towards a cleaner, more sustainable OSC school community. Hence, one way of informing people on ways they can help join the effort is by making a green code to be put up around the school.
LO7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions
We considered what actions we did/need to do in school in order to reduce our consumption of electricity and make our community more green in general.